Book a Health Appointment

or Practitioner Coaching call with Natasja

In addition to delivering presentations and leading workshops for Healthcare Clinicians, Government Agencies, and other diverse Audiences, Natasja provides personalised guidance to a select group of individuals, employing a functional medicine approach.

Moreover, through her Professional Practitioner Development Coaching calls, Natasja extends comprehensive support to fellow practitioners and students, assisting them in refining their skills and expertise within their respective domains. She offers tailored strategies, practical insights, and ongoing mentorship to empower clinicians in reaching their professional objectives and enhancing their patient care practice.


Natasja's consultations are eligible for reimbursement under Traditional Chinese Medicine through Private Health Insurance.

If you're a New patient, kindly complete the form on the Initial Health Consultation Inquiry page before scheduling a 10-minute chat with Natasja.

For returning patients, please proceed to book the service of your choice below.

Complex cases typically begin with the Initial Program and may progress to the Health Optimisation Program or Single Sessions as needed.

Simpler cases usually start with a Single Chomprehensive 60/80 Minute Session, and may also progress to the Health Optimisation Program, or purchase Single Sessions as necessary.

For all other enquiries, drop Natasja a line.

Please do not send health related queries via email, they can not be responded to.

If you have any questions in the days or weeks following a consult, please book a 20 Minute Telehealth consult to address these queries, or address them in your next coming consultation.

After your first hour and half Initial consult, please rebook your next session for an hour.

Thank You!